DTS-NET Reviews
Total Number of DTS-NET Reviews: 29
Customer Support |
Value for Money |
Speed & Reliability |
March 22, 2013
fast support I like that
Awesome support. They usually reply 5-10 minutes after you submit your ticket with a logical answer. Can't ask for more. they have improve over the years which is great most host stop caring about there customers
mark w
July 28, 2012
awesome DTS-NET great services & software works great
$79 /mo is all i paid includes a ton of features they have a aplus rating with the BBB so there not a fly by night company and have been in business since 1997
February 02, 2009
DTS-NET is 111 Buena Vista Drive Southington CT 06479 they even have it listed on there web site there largest data warehouse is in NV that is why the have a NV phone number because they have more than one office they have been in business since 1997
DTS-NET Support
July 16, 2008
keven did not pay for service and had copyrighted software we had no choice but to stop service because he did not have the software makers permission to us the software we contactact him to remove it but he never go back to use so he tought he was runni
Roger Waters
May 11, 2008
two days everything is down: the hoster's website itself and my site is not responding.
Response: you have a dedicated server it is the software on your end |
Scott S
December 14, 2007
I just wanted to thank you for your assistance in getting my site up. You did in two days what I couldn't get done in 2 months with a supposed industry favorite hosting company.
August 29, 2007
i had trouble all the time. finally my site was down and never up(huh, promissed 99% run time). I receive no respond from the provider for 2 months. SO I quit wih them. JUST STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!!
Response: you have a dedicated server please open a support ticket or give us a call |
Bismarck Sierra
July 12, 2007
Terrible, they didn't active the service that I paid. They don't answer my emails.
Response: please give us a call We do not see your name in our customer records |
May 18, 2007
Good site, thanks! APosterTest
March 20, 2007
My sites load lightning fast, downtime has been practically non-existent, and any problems that have arisen, or questions I had were answered/dealt with incredibly quickly. I recommend them to anyone.
March 13, 2007
I am a current customer that is pleased to acknowledge DTS-NET for its continuing efforts and, since 2000, for providing us with over 20 high traffic sites with excellent service, reliability and low costs. I would recommend DTS-NET
November 22, 2006
It works like a charm! Thanks for everything. Quality of service was a big reason we switched from other provider to DTS-NET and you've never made me regret that decision.
amy patal
November 13, 2006
Excellent service! Unbelievable customer support. Very satisfied !
August 01, 2006
two thumbs up for this host they host adult sites and have great options
July 29, 2006
fast loading pages and email works very fast and service is great
July 28, 2006
DTS-NET really fits my company's need and there service are all ways working and they are very helpful with marketing and design for my site
January 19, 2006
One of the best and most reliable providers i'm very happy with them.
maggie H.
December 03, 2005
great host I have ther copper reseller package its a great deal and i love all the features it comes with i would recommend them to any one looking for a great value
November 21, 2005
You will never find a better hosting company than DTS-NET. They have the best prices and and features to offer than any other company. Also they offer more other options than most other companies and they are growing fast. I would highly recommend them as
November 16, 2005
One of the best host's i've ever used
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