Easy CGI Reviews
Total Number of Easy CGI Reviews: 5
Customer Support |
Value for Money |
Speed & Reliability |
October 19, 2009
Unfortunately having had almost9 months of slow server speeds, a terrible migration experience when they merged with Your WebHosting i've now ledt EasyCGI. The technical support teams are excellent, but must spend most of their lives apologising.
May 20, 2009
Well don't sign up for EasyCGI, the worst hosting company in the world.
November 24, 2008
Easy CGI took my site down too with their migration to a better platform it has been nearly 3 days and all the customer support people can say is we apologize for the inconvenience Go some where else dont use these guys...
November 21, 2008
I asked them for refund of 10 unused months of a canceled subscription. They would reject my request stating that they do not have my e-mail id on their records.
November 26, 2006
Absolutely terrible tech support. Forget the claimed 24/7. You get an answering machine 24/7. And most of the time, the answer is we can't help you. Other than that, decent value.
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